Our Approach

Partnering with Heartland

Our goal is to create the best of both worlds: thoughtfully integrate local businesses into a larger enterprise and actively collaborate across those businesses through progressive training and sharing of best thinking.

Our goal is to create the best of both worlds: thoughtfully integrate local businesses into a larger enterprise and actively collaborate across those businesses through sharing and best thinking.

Our Shared Purpose

Our approach is guided by our values and shared purpose:

To inspire collective best thinking and learn from our shared experiences as we grow into better versions of ourselves

To enhance the living landscape in exceptional ways that elevate and nurture the resilient human spirit

To remain rooted in relationships with team members and discover joy and fulfillment by working in harmony for those we serve

To focus on what we can control and hold each decision we make and action we take up to the light of our guiding principles

To create lasting value together for team members, clients, and communities

Heartland University of Excellence

Empowering employee growth through:

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Curriculum in leadership, sales, service and production

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Dynamic and supportive learning environment

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Comprehensive and engaging learning management system

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Training, coaching and real-world solutions

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Foster personal and professional growth

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Exceptional results at all levels

We're Plant People In The People Business

HeartLand’s model that allows the opportunity for an operating company to maintain its legacy brand while being a part of a larger organization with a great culture and vision has proven to be a great fit for LSI. The multiple resources and additional support that are now available for LSI as a partner and member of the HeartLand family are a major advantage to our team and our clients.

Doug Stacey, President and Former Owner of Landscape Services, Inc.

Get to Know the Heartland Family